Ethical Sourcing
Showpony — empowering you to embrace ethically sourced hair extensions
The human hair market has swiftly turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, this sphere is still largely unregulated, making it hard to track down how the hair is sourced. This consequently leaves the ethical aspect of the process shrouded in ambiguity. Further, the increasing demand for hair extensions has created a surge in the number of people purchasing hair extensions, tragically leading to the exploitation of women all over the world.
Although the movement for ethical hair extensions has yet to gain steam, at Showpony, our commitment lies in ensuring our products and our business practices embody our ethical and moral principles. We strongly believe that no one should be forced to sell their precious locks against their volition — that’s why sustainability and ethical practices across the entire supply chain are our primary focuses.
The Ethical Sourcing Agreement — championing the cause for ethical human hair extensions
The Showpony Ethical Sourcing Agreement reflects our enduring commitment to fair trade policies and ethically sourced hair extensions. The agreement outlines the rigorous standards and protocols we follow to ensure products sold by Showpony are manufactured in safe working conditions — without violating the fundamental human rights of our greatly appreciated employees.
The Ethical Sourcing Agreement covers labour (including child labour), working conditions, environmental protection, business protection, compliance with the law of the country the supplier operates in and management systems.
All hair donations are given willingly and with full consent. The sourcing of unethical clip-in-hair extensions is prohibited, and we reserve the right to review any supplier agreements where compliance with the Ethical Sourcing Code is breached. We systematically review our supplier relationships and continuously monitor the social and economic environments in which they operate to ensure efficacy and sustainability across the board.
Experience the eco-friendly difference with ethical clip-in hair extensions from Showpony
Our ethical human hair extensions are bought solely from individuals who grow their hair specifically to sell. Our hair extensions undergo chemical processing before arriving to us neatly packaged as Showpony hair.
Partner with us and become an ethically sourced hair extension stockist
At Showpony, we are passionate about being the best wholesale hair extension supplier in Australia and globally. If you’re looking for premium, ethically sourced hair extensions at competitive prices, partner with us and let our team help you grow your business like never before.
Showpony stockists enjoy exclusive access to our wholesale catalogues and special prices. You will also have access to cutting-edge educational programs that enhance your expertise by training you in techniques that leave your clients happy and satisfied. Interested? Let’s chat! Contact the Showpony Education team at today.