We Care

Together, we can make a difference.
We donate $1 to charity every time you buy.
Showpony has partnered with I=Change to donate $1 of every sale to a life-changing project and you choose where it goes.
I=Change is an innovative platform that connects businesses like ours with charities around the world.
When you purchase Showpony hair extensions, you are not just enhancing your beauty, you are also contributing to meaningful causes.
Here's how it works. Every time you complete a purchase, you have the opportunity to choose from a selection of three life-Saving Projects for Showpony to contribute towards. The charities that we have chosen to work with are all organisations that work tirelessly to support vulnerable citizens and to protect the environment. You can read more about them below.
Together we can create a better industry and make a lasting difference. That's beauty with integrity.
End Violence Against Women
2.7 million women have experienced violence (physical and/or sexual) by an intimate partner or family member since the age of 15.
Frontline sexual, domestic and family violence services are at capacity with demand for trauma-specialist support and counselling increasing year-on-year.
Women who aren't able to access trauma-specialist support are at increased risk of being subject to escalating violence.
Full Stop Australia is one of the oldest sexual, domestic and family violence response and recovery services in the country and is dedicated to providing free trauma-specialist support and counselling to thousands of women impacted by violence and abuse. Full Stop Australia provides 24/7 continuing care from crisis through to recovery.
Help People, Help Planet
We live in a world of plenty and yet millions of people find themselves in need every day.
1 in 8 Australians live below the poverty line, creating a need for everyday items others may take for granted – from toiletries, clothing, mattresses or a toy for a child. More than $2.5 billion of brand-new unsold goods go to waste every year and Good360 passionately works to divert these goods to communities in need. Good360 connects businesses surplus brand-new goods with the most vulnerable in our communities, creating a Circle of Good that reduces both need and waste.
Good360 works to connect these new goods into communities across the country, assisting on average, two Australians every minute through our network of nearly 4,000 local charities and disadvantaged schools. Good360 doesn’t just focus on one individual cause, our charity partners work in support of over 35 cause areas including; cost of living, domestic violence, homelessness, indigenous communities and disaster relief.
Restore the Reef
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living organism and one of the most bio-diverse places on earth. It’s under threat. The Reef also supports the culture and livelihoods of 70 Traditional Owner groups, who have been its custodians for over 60,000 years.
Since 1985, the Reef has lost 50% of its coral cover due to climate change and poor water from land-based run-off. More than 10 million tonnes of sediment from eroded gullies flow onto the Reef every year, smothering corals and seagrass, creating algal blooms, degrading water quality, and weakening the Reef’s ability to recover.
Coastal wetlands are essential. They act like kidneys, filtering out the sediment from agriculture, industry and urban land use. But over 50% of wetlands have already been lost.
Greening Australia and Traditional Owners are working to restore 2,000 hectares of eroded land and 10,000 hectares of wetlands by 2030. This will prevent 400,000 tonnes of sediment from polluting the Reef each year, improving water quality, the Reef’s resilience to climate change, and the livelihoods and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians.
I=Change has a policy of complete transparency, so you are guaranteed that you donation reached the charity in full.